1.Getting Started
2.Basic Settings
Login to the dashboard using the credentials given to you through email or any other mode of communication.
Go to the settings -> Organisation Settings at the button left of the modules
Set the following required parameters:
- Client Types i.e Member, client, Individual, etc
- Titles i.e Mr., Mrs., Dr., Eng. etc
- Professions i.e Teacher, Engineering, Accountant, etc
- Currencies i.e UGShs, USD, etc
- Payment Types i.e Cash, Mobile Money, Cheque, etc
- Funds i.e Client, Donations, Grants, etc
- Loan Purposes i.e Business, Housing, etc
3.Add Clients/ Members
To add a new client, click on Clients menu then click Create Client. This will open the client create page offering a series of text inputs.
The form contains:
Branch: The branch of the client
External ID: The external id of the client, you may use your manual file number here.
Title: Set the title of the client from the drop-down having different options we created in the Basic Settings
First Name: The first name of the client
Last Name: The last name of the client
Gender: The gender of the client
Marital Status: The marital status of the client
Mobile: The mobile number of the client
Country: The country of the client
Date of Birth: The date of birth of the client
Staff: The staff assigned to the client
Email: The email of the client. This will be used to send communication emails to the client
Profession: The profession of the client is selected from a drop-down having the options we created in the Basic Settings
Type: The type or category of the client is selected from a drop-down having the options we created in the Basic Settings
Photo: The photo of the client
Address: The address of the client
Notes: Any additional details.
Submitted on: The date when the client was entered into the system
4.Add Charges
To add a new charge, click on Savings->Manage Charges->Add Charge
- Name: The name of the charge
- Charge Type: This specifies when the charge should be applied.
- Savings Activation: Gets charged at the time of savings activation.
- Specified due date: Gets charged on the provided date.
- Withdrawal Fee: Gets charged on every savings withdrawal.
- Monthly Fee: Gets charged at the end of the month.
- Inactivity Fee: Gets charged when the savings account has been inactive for a period.
- Quarterly Fee: Gets charged every quarter of a year.
- Amount: The charge amount
- Charge Option: This is how the total amount of the charge will be calculated
- Currency: Select the currency to be used when the charge is applied. The product and charge currency must be the same to be valid. Set up multiple charges if the same charge is required for products set up in different currencies.
- Override: If checked, savings administrators can change the charge amount when creating a savings account
- Active: If checked, this charge is available to associate with products and accounts. If unchecked, this charge is not available to associate with products and accounts.
5.Create Savings Product
Savings products define the rules for saving.
Navigate to Savings->Manage Products to open the Savings Products list page.
Click on Savings->Manage Products->Add Product.
- Name: The name of the product
- Short Name: To be used when the name cannot fit.
- Description: To provide additional information.
- Currency: The currency in which the savings will be disbursed.
- Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to be used to track and report on savings.
- Category: Whether the product is voluntary or mandatory.
- Auto Create: If auto-create is selected, then when the client is activated the savings account is also opened.
- Compounding Period: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Biannual, Annually.
- Interest Posting Period Type: Monthly, Biannual, Annually.
- Interest Calculation Type: Daily balance, Average balance.
- Lockin Period Frequency: The time when this product is locked without withdrawals.
- Lockin Period Frequency Type: Days, Weeks, Months, Years.
- Automatic Opening Balance: Balance on the Account.
- Minimum Balance for interest calculation: The balance required for interest calculation.
- Allow Overdraft:
- Charges: You can choose applicable charges here.
- Accounting Rule: By default, Accounting will be disabled – None;
- Active: To be available for selection
6.Add Savings
Click on the Savings menu then click Create Savings
- Client: Select a client from a drop-down list.
- Savings Product: Select a savings product and some fields will be populated from the product.
- Savings Officer: Select a group admin associated with the savings account.
- Interest Rate: The interest rate of the product.
- Automatic Opening Balance: The balance when an account is opened.
- Lockin Period Frequency:
- Lockin Period Frequency Type: Days, Weeks, Months, Years.
- Submitted On: The date when the account was submitted
- Charges: Add charges or override charge amounts.
7.Add Charge
We support two types of charges—fees and penalties.
Click on Loans->Manage Charges->Add Charge
- Name: The name of the charge.
- Charge Type: Disbursement, Specified due date, Overdue Installment Fee, Overdue Fees, Disbursement-Paid with repayment, Loan Rescheduling Fee.
- Amount: The charge amount.
- Charge Option: This is how the total amount of the charge will be calculated.
- Currency:
- Penalty: If checked, this charge is marked as a penalty, rather than a fee.
- Override: If checked, loan administrators can change the charge amount when creating a loan.
- Active: If checked, this charge is available to associate with products and accounts. If unchecked, this charge is not available to associate with products and accounts.
8.Create Loan Products
Loan products define the rules, default settings, and constraints for lending out loans.
Click on Loans->Manage Products->Add Product.
- Name: The name of the product.
- Short Name: To be used when the name cannot fit.
- Description: To provide additional information.
- Fund: To fund the Loan.
- Currency: UGX, USD, GBP, EUR.
- Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to be used to track and report on savings.
- Default Principal: The principal that will be pre-entered when creating a loan with this product.
- Minimum Principal: The Minimum principal allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Maximum Principal: The Maximum principal allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Default Loan Term: The Loan Term that will be pre-entered when creating a loan with this product.
- Minimum Loan Term: The Minimum Loan Term allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Maximum Loan Term: The Maximum Loan Term allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Repayment Frequency:
- Repayment Frequency Type: Days, Weeks, Months.
- Default Interest Rate: Interest Rate that will be pre-entered when creating a loan.
- Minimum Interest Rate: The Minimum Interest Rate allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Maximum Interest Rate: The Maximum Interest Rate allowed when creating a loan with this product.
- Per: Month, Year
- Grace On Principal Payment: The period for which the client will only pay interest.
- Grace On Interest Payment: The period for which the client will only pay principal
- Grace On Interest Charged: The period for which interest is not charged
- Interest Methodology: Flat, Declining balance.
- Amortization Method: Equal Installments, Equal Principal Payments.
- Loan Transaction Processing Strategy: Penalties, Fees, Interest, Principal order.
- Charges: Choose applicable charges here.
- Credit Checks:
- Accounting Rule: By default, Accounting will be disabled – None
- Auto Disburse: If checked, the loan will be disbursed on creation.
- Active: Whether the product is active or not. If not active then it will not be available for selection.
9.Add Loan
Click on Loans menu -> click Create Loan
- Client Type: The client type
- Client: Select the client name from the dropdown list.
- Loan Product: Once this is selected, some fields will be prepopulated with values.
- Principal: The loan principal amount.
- Fund: The loan fund used.
- Loan Term: The loan term duration.
- Repayment Frequency: Used to calculate the repayment schedule.
- Type: Days, Weeks, Months
- Interest Rate (% Per Month ): The interest rate
- Expected Disbursement Date: The date that the loan account is expected to be disbursed.
- Loan Officer: Group representative responsible.
- Loan Purpose: Shows how the funds provided through the loan will be used
- Expected First Repayment date:
- Charges: You can add additional charges here or override charge amounts.