STDA started a church SACCO for betterment of church members’ incomes.

STDA started as a church SACCO for betterment of church members’ incomes. SACCO chose to be independent of the church and It opened up to the community to improve and develop their members. One of the church members offered to give part of his house as a office and also allowed branding the premises.

This SACCO has been in existence for four years. Each member saves 20,000 UGX ( 5USD) Every week. The #SACCO gives out loans to their members All the records were on paper and we are glad to have digitized their records using Cinnamon and as a result, there is efficiency, accountability , transparency. SACCO has grown to over 200 members and is still growing.

Cinnamon Clubs is a premier Savings groups; investment Clubs, SACCOs management software.

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